Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sunday, August 7 - Arrival

Off to a good start. After an 8 hour drive from Queensbury (much of it in the rain) I arrived at the Mountain Ash Student House, which is about a mile from campus, to get my room assignment. Then moved my stuff to the second floor garret (I'll never again tell Jane she packs too much stuff). Checked the list a second time an realized my finger had slipped to the next line. Re-packed, schlepped the stuff to the car, and went to my real room in the Farmhouse on campus.

My roommate is a nice guy, Yenching We, a retired cardiac surgeon from Clovis (near Fresno, CA). We went to dinner back at the Mountain Ash House which was crowded since everyone – resident and non-resident students and assorted guests – get to eat on the opening night.
We then went back to the workshop for a general orientation and  received more specific information from our instructor, Geoff Kerr. Seems like a good guy and certainly has more experience than anyone building Oughtred designs, specifically the Ness Yawl and the Caledonia Yawl. Got to briefly meet the rest of the class. There are eight students plus Geoff.
The real work starts tomorrow at 8 am. Besides starting the actual building process, we will also get a waterfront orientation at lunch (weather permitting). They actually let you sail or row their fleet of beautiful wooden boats.
The days will be very full and I still need to get a run in once in a while, and also a little guitar practice (need to find a secret place to do that). Hope I can keep posting text and some photos as we progress. We don't build on the weekend, so I can do some catching up then...unless we go sailing.

All photos of the Ness Yawl 2011 class may be viewed at: 

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